Magic Rock Gardens Hotel’s Privacy
Privacy Hotel in Benidorm
Basic Information on Data Protection | |
Responsible for | Industrias Hoteleras Del Mediterraneo, S.L. |
Purpose | Maintenance and management of the relationship with the user, as well as information work. + info |
Legitimation | Consent of the person concerned. |
Recipients | Companies Industrias Hoteleras del Mediterráneo and/or other interested third parties. |
Rights | Access, rectification and deletion of data, as well as other rights, as explained in the additional information. |
Additional information | Can consult the additional and detailed information on Data Protection on our website. + info |
1. Introduction
The present document aims to regular the rules of use and safeguard the protection of the users of www.magicrockgardens.com property of INDUSTRIAS HOTELERAS DEL MEDITERRANEO, S.L. (hereinafter, IHM), domiciled in Benidorm, Avda L' Aigüera 11 03500 Benidorm (Alicante), Telf. 96 585 11 21 and with CIF B-03058542 and registered in the mercantile registry, Tome in 408 general, book 125 of the Section 2ª, folio 56 sheet number 2.949, inscripción 1ª. The term "User" is used here to refer to all individuals and/or entities who for any reason have access to this web site.
IHM seeks, through www.magicrockgardens.com and other addresses
To do this, IHM provides through www.magicrockgardens.com information and services related to our hotels like reservations online rooms, image bank, customer service and job placement (in later services).
The use of page and/or its services, will entail the full acceptance and without reservations, and the validity of each and every one of the General conditions appearing in the latest updated version of these terms of use, so the user must be aware of the impo ogy of read them each time you visit www.magicrockgardens.com . The access and/or use of certain services offered to users (hereinafter the user) in www.magicrockgardens.com, may be subject to certain conditions which, depending on the cases, they substitute, modify and/or complete these rules of use, so the user, prior to the access and/or use of such services and content, must read and accept these conditions.
2. General regulations for the protection of data (RGPD)
General relationships between INDUSTRIAS HOTELERAS DEL MEDITERRANEO, S.L. with the users of telematics services present on the web, are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction.
Article 13 of the General data protection rules (RGPD) establishes that when an interested party obtained personal data relating to him, the controller, in the moment in which they are obtained, provide the information indicated to continuation:
- The identity and the data responsible for contact and, where appropriate, of his authorised representative
- Contact details of the delegate's data protection, where appropriate
- The purposes of the treatment to which the personal data and the legal basis for the treatment are intended for
- When the treatment is based on article 6, paragraph 1, letter f), the legitimate interests of the controller or a third party
- The recipients or categories of recipients of the personal data, if any
- In your case, the intention of the person responsible for transfer of personal data to a third country or international organization and the existence or absence of an adaptation of the Commission decision or, in the case of transfers referred to in articles 46 or 47 or article 49 paragraph 1, second subparagraph, the reference to adequate or appropriate guarantees and means to obtain a copy of these or the fact that they lent
3. Use of the website www.magicrockgardens.com and services
3.1 The user undertakes to use the website www.magicrockgardens.com and those services made available through it, in accordance with the law, morality, good customs and public order, as well as with the provisions of these Terms of Use. Consequently, the user is obliged not to use the website www.magicrockgardens.com or its services for purposes that are illicit and/or contrary to the provisions of these Terms of Use, that may harm the rights and/or interests of third parties or that may in any way damage the website www.magicrockgardens.com or impede its normal use, or the services accessible through it, by the rest of the users, IHM and/or its image.
3.2 IHM may, for greater agility in the operation of www.magicrockgardens.com and for the benefit of users, unilaterally modify, at any time and without prior notice, the services provided or any substantial aspect of this page, or the conditions of operation, technical and use of the services of www.magicrockgardens.com. Similarly, users, in order to improve the service and establish an optimum level of quality, the ultimate objective of IHM, may suggest any changes they deem useful, by contacting those responsible for the site through the email address privacidad@hoteles-costablanca.com.
3.3 Users of www.magicrockgardens.com must observe any instructions given by e-mail www.magicrockgardens.com or IHM or its duly authorised staff.
4. Intellectual property and copyrights.
All information contained in www.magicrockgardens.com , graphic design and code in HTML, JAVA, JAVA Script or Active X language, is protected by copyright or other rights of intellectual property protection. These rights belong exclusively to IHM or its licensors. Internet users accessing this web may view the information contained therein and make downloads or reproductions private in your computer system, provided that the reproduced elements are not subsequently transferred to third parties or be installed on a server connected to Internet or to a local network.
Is not allowed, without prejudice to what the present regulations of use, distribution, modification, cession, public communication, reproductions or any act of part or all of the posted information at www.magicrockgardens.com , without prior authorization from IHM.
The user must use the content and information collected in www.magicrockgardens.com , diligent, proper and lawful, and in particular, only for personal use and non-commercial, provided do not delete or modify the content or any mention of sources, copyright and other identifying data of IHM or third-party rights, it is say respecting its original form. Any reproduction or copy, distribution or publication of any kind, of the contents of the information published in www.magicrockgardens.comwithout prior authorization and written of IHM is prohibited.
Authorization for reproduction can be requested to the email address privacidad@hoteles-costablanca.com . In the case that any user or third party considers that any of the existing content in www.magicrockgardens.com has been introduced in the same violation of copyrights or other rights of protection of intellectual property, please inform IHM acknowledgment, by sending notice to the e-mail address privacidad@hoteles-costablanca.com, which includes, at least, the following points:
- Name, address, telephone number and email of the claimant.
- Data of the holder of the copyright or other rights of protection of intellectual property that may have been infringed.
- Indication of the infringed contents and location on the page www.magicrockgardens.com.
- A declaration that the introduction of the content has been introduced without the express permission of the owner of the copyright or other intellectual property rights. Subject as provided in the preceding paragraphs, IHM reserves the right to defend itself against claims based on current regulations on advertising and copyright or other protective rights of intellectual property.
Privacy Policy
Protection of personal data of users by IHM
In accordance with the provisions of REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter "RGPD") on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, INDUSTRIAS HOTELERAS DEL MEDITERRANEO, S.L. (hereinafter "IHM"), as responsible for the treatment, informs the user of the existence of an automated personal data file created by and for IHM and under its responsibility, with the purpose of carrying out the maintenance and management of the relation with the user, as well as the work of information.
At the moment of the acceptance of the present general conditions, IHM will need of the user the collection of some essential data for the benefit of its services.
The data will be collected exclusively for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and will not be subsequently treated in a manner incompatible with such purposes. When further processing of personal data is planned for a purpose other than that for which it was collected, the data subject will be provided, prior to such further processing, with information on that other purpose and any additional relevant information.
No specially protected data will be processed. The user of www.magicrockgardens.com, when sending his curriculum to be able to opt for the jobs offered through www.magicrockgardens.com, is voluntarily providing personal data (from now on the Personal Data) that IHM treats in an automated way and incorporates to a file with the purpose of being able to provide and offer its services, a file for which IHM is responsible, and which is registered or registered with the competent authority.
2. Registration of files and forms
The completion of the registration form is mandatory to access and enjoy certain services offered in e-commerce. Failure to provide the personal data requested or not to accept this data protection policy means that it is impossible to subscribe, register or participate in any of the promotions in which personal data are requested. Please note that the personal data obtained as a result of your registration as a user will be part of the Register of Activities and Treatment Operations (RAT), which will be updated periodically in accordance with the provisions of the RGPD.
3. Accuracy and veracity of the data provided
The user is solely responsible for the veracity and correctness of the data included, exonerating IHM from any responsibility in this respect. The users guarantee and are responsible, in any case, for the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided, and undertake to keep them duly updated. The user agrees to provide complete and correct information in the registration or subscription form. IHM is not responsible for the veracity of the information that is not of its own elaboration and of which another source is indicated, therefore it does not assume any responsibility as for hypothetical damages that could be originated by the use of this information. IHM reserves the right to update, modify or eliminate the information contained in its e-commerce and may even limit or deny access to said information. IHM is exonerated from responsibility for any damage or harm that the user may suffer as a result of errors, defects or omissions in the information provided by IHM provided that it comes from sources other than IHM.
4. Cookies and secure environment
In certain applications IHM uses cookies on its website. These cookies will be used to personalize your pages on the website or to remind you to register your services. If you do not want IHM to organize your browser's cookies, you can set it to reject cookies or to notify you when a website attempts to place a cookie in your browser's software. If the user rejects cookies, this may affect the ability to use some of the services on our website. IHM, through the website, uses state-of-the-art means to ensure the protection of information. IHM guarantees that the hiring of services is done in a secure environment.
5. Aims
The purposes of IHM are exclusively the maintenance and management of the relationship with the user, as well as information work. For commercial purposes and to improve the customer's online experience.
6. Minors
The IHM services are not intended for minors and IHM does not solicit or collect information regarding minors.
7. Transfer of data to third parties
Due to the characteristics of the activity and services of IHM and for the perfect development and achievement of its objectives, it is necessary to transfer personal data to third parties, including international transfers. Such transfers or transfers of personal data may be addressed to the companies of the IHM and/or to other interested third parties. The transfer of personal data to such entities has as its sole purpose the proper provision of services that IHM offers.
8. Exercise of rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition
Any person has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not we at IHM are processing personal data concerning them. The holders of the data have at all times the right to access the file, being able to exercise the rights of rectification, cancellation and opposition in the terms contained in the data protection legislation. Similarly, the user's consent for the processing and transfer of personal data will be revocable at any time without retroactive effect, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 6 and 11 of Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data.
To such ends, it will be enough to contact with IHM through the electronic mail privacidad@hoteles-costablanca.com, or, writing to its social address located in the Avda. L'Aiguera 11, 03500 Benidorm (Alicante) SPAIN. IHM guarantees that it has adopted the appropriate security measures in its facilities, systems and files. Likewise, IHM guarantees the confidentiality of the Personal Data, although it will reveal to the competent public authorities the Personal Data and any other information that is in its power or is accessible through its systems and is required in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions applicable to the case. www.magicrockgardens.com users guarantee and respond, in any case, the veracity, accuracy, validity and authenticity of the Personal Data provided, and undertake to keep them properly updated.
9. Security Measures
9.1 IHM does not guarantee the reliability, availability or continuity of the operation of its website or of the products or services made available to the user, and therefore excludes any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the lack of availability, reliability or continuity of its website or its services, although it will try to provide, to the extent of its possibilities, technical assistance to the affected person.
9.2 IHM is not obliged to control, and does not control beforehand, the absence of viruses or elements in the contents that may cause alterations in the software or hardware of users or people who visit the pages, so it will not be liable for damages of any nature that might result from them.
9.3 IHM is not obliged to control and does not previously control, approve or make its own the services, contents, data, files, products and any kind of material existing on the web page or web pages of third parties, for which reason IHM shall not be liable, under any circumstances, for the legality of the contents of its web page or web pages, the exclusive responsibility of third parties being, by way of illustration and not limitation, respect for the legality, morality, good customs and public order of the contents, as well as the fact that those do not infringe any rights of third parties.
9.4 IHM is not obliged to control and does not control or guarantee the reliability, availability or continuity of the operation of the products or services made available to the user by third parties hosted outside www.magicrockgardens.com, therefore excludes any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the lack of availability, reliability or continuity of its website or its services.
9.5 The user shall be liable for any damages of any nature that IHM may suffer as a result of the user's failure to comply with the law or any of the general conditions contained in this agreement.
10. Reasons for exclusion
IHM reserves the right to exclude users, temporarily or permanently in any of the following cases:
- For non-compliance with any of the General Conditions of Use established in this document.
- For non-compliance with laws, morals, and public order.
The exclusion of the user will not mean the renunciation of IHM to carry out the corresponding legal actions or the compensations that correspond in right.
11. Right to Modify the Rules of Use
IHM reserves the right to modify unilaterally and without prior notice, any of the terms and conditions of these Terms of Use, in the terms and conditions it deems appropriate, informing users of changes made through www.magicrockgardens.com or any of its associated websites.
12. Hyperlinks
12.1 In the case that www.magicrockgardens.com refers through links to advertising or third party websites, IHM is not obliged to control and does not previously control, approve or own the services, content, data, files, products and any kind of existing material on the website or third party websites, so IHM will not be liable, under any circumstance, of the legality of the contents of said page/s, being the exclusive responsibility of the third party, by way of illustration and not limitation, the respect of the legality, morality, good customs and public order of the contents, as well as the fact that those do not injure any rights of third parties. The existence of a hyperlink does not presuppose a relationship of any kind between IHM and the owner of the website in which it is established.
12.2 Those users or third parties who intend to establish a hyperlink with the page www.magicrockgardens.com, must ensure that the hyperlink only allows access to the pages or services of the page www.magicrockgardens.com, but does not make, including but not limited to, reproduction of content, deep-links, browsers, inaccurate or incorrect statements about the content or website www.magicrockgardens.com. Except for those signs that form part of the hyperlink, the user guarantees that the web page in which the hyperlink is established will not contain brands, commercial names, signs of establishments, denominations, logos, slogans or any type of distinctive sign belonging to IHM.
13. Safeguarding of the Rules of Use
If one of the stipulations of these Terms of Use is declared null and void or inoperative, the rest of the Terms of Use will remain as agreed. IHM undertakes to replace the provision affected by the nullity as close as possible to the intention initially pursued by the parties.